Writing Contest

2011 Young Writer’s Contest

Like to write? Why not submit one of your stories to Mrs. Nelson’s annual writing contest? 

Entries for this year’s contest will be accepted from February 1st to March 12th. 

Enter into your appropriate age category:

Group One — Ages 6 to 9
Group Two — Ages 10 to 13
Group Three — Ages 14+

Entries will be judged by a group of local authors, led by Q.L. Pearce and winners will be announced at the end of April. 


Mrs. Nelson’s Toy & Book Shop

Young Writers Contest


Rules and Guidelines

1. Each entry must be an original work, submitted in the appropriate age group: Group One — Ages 6 to 9

Group Two — Ages 10 to 13

Group Three — Ages 14+

2. Entries must be typed (double-spaced) or neatly printed in ink on a standard page size of

8 1/2 by 11-inches. If submitting a print copy, the pages should be stapled in the upper left hand corner. It is preferred that entries are submitted electronically. Please submit the entry in a Microsoft Word document. If you are submitting artwork, please scan it.

6. A panel of local Southern California writers, headed by Q.L. Pearce, will be judging all works.

7. Winning entries will be determined by April 20, 2011. First place in each age group will receive a fifty dollar gift certificate for Mrs. Nelson’s Toy and Book Shop. Second Place winners will receive a gift certificate for twenty-five dollars. Third

Place winners will receive a gift certificate for ten dollars. There will be five Honorable Mentions in each age group. Prizes will be awarded at a special celebration at Mrs. Nelson’s (all participants are welcome) and the winning manuscripts will be on display in the book store.

Toy and Book Shop

 1030 Bonita Ave, La Verne, CA 91750 (909) 599-4558


Entries must have the name, phone number, and email address (if available) of the writer.

3. With the exception of poetry, entries should be no less than two and no more than four pages of text for Group One, no less than two and no more than six pages of text for Group Two, and no less than four and no more than eight pages of text for Group Three, with no less than 100 words per page. Please add to this a cover sheet with your name, age, address, telephone number, email address, name of your school, and the title of your story. You may include illustrations if you like, but please do not put a cover or folder on your submission.

4. Your entry may be on any subject and in any genre including fiction, non-fiction, biography, autobiography, mystery, humor, science fiction, horror, or fantasy.

5. Entries must be submitted to Mrs. Nelson’s Toy and Book Shop between February 1st, 2011 and March 12th, 2011. Entries can be emailed to


Printed entries will not be returned but they may be picked up at the book store after the contest.

About Fran Karmann

Library Technician
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